Saturday, March 19, 2011

Blooming Orchard (Finally, a new blog post)

So we haven't been keeping up with our blog regularly, we have just been so busy we haven't had a weekend to lay out a couple blogs for family and friends. We have some finally!

A couple weeks ago my friend at work, Quin was saying that there was a pretty orchard blooming at Snow and Coffee. I wasn't sure why they named the road Snow until I got there. There were white blossoms everywhere! It was pretty neat to walk around and we have a few pictures to show for it. This was also one of the first adventures with my new 70-300mm lens that I recently purchased!

This was a long shot down one of the many rows. The only thing I could think that would help this photo was if the sun was coming in strong.

She so pretty. Makes for good photos.

Kirstie has a good time monkeyin' around.

I was trying to work on my "fuzzy background photos" with the new lens.

Amongst all the pretty there was a little ugly too.

We don't need anyone to take photos of us! We can do it ourselves!

Petals were flying when the wind picked up. Snow!

This would have made a great engagement photo location. So says Kirstie.

It was fun to just take a 10 minute drive and be somewhere so beautiful. There were a lot of people just stopped on the road taking it all in. A great Saturday adventure!


  1. This has got to be one of my most favorite Mikles post ever! Seriously, these photos are so beautiful and you guys look amazing as always. They literally look like something out of a movie. I REEEEEALLLLLY want to go visit this place whenever I visit :)

    Way to break in the new lends, i'd say!

  2. I'm with Sam!!
    These photos are breathtaking and I agree that you have a beautiful muse :)

    So happy the blog is back in business.
